The lone xmas pressie

I haven’t done a lot of knitting for holiday gifts in the last few years. I gave myself permission a while back to not freak out and try to make things for everyone, but to pick a few key gifts, and that’s worked very well for me! Although not for anyone else who might want something 😉

I try to spoil my aunts. I figure they’ll appreciate it. Always important to give handmade gifts to people who will appreciate them. (Yes I’ve learned that from experience.)

This year (well, 2010) I wanted to make this colorwork neck warmer thingy (it’s hard to call it a cowl as it’s rather skinny) for them. I started it at Madrona (it was a steeks class!) in February, 2010, and put it aside in March because I had loads of time to finish, right? Around November I realized that I was not, in fact, done with one, much less two, and also did *not* have loads of time left until Christmas!

So the original was finished. The yarn for the second one is still waiting to be cast on. Whoops. Luckily my other aunt is very generous and probably expects me of this by now.

Anywho.. it *is* rather pretty if I do say so myself 🙂

These pictures are pre-blocking. It was extremely narrow before blocking and bloomed in a most lovely way upon washing. It loosened up considerably although if I made one for me I would add one if not two more repeats of the flower pattern. I also think it’s rather tall so I would probably cut out maybe the yellow bits and one section of leaves where it’s doubled up at the top. I think the flowers are genius though!

Pattern: Wisteria Cowl
Designer: Mary Scott Huff (designed for Madrona steeks class 2010)
Yarn: Abstract Yarns “colorwork” (although it appears they don’t do this line anymore. It’s a sport weight wool)
New techniques: Steeking!! I loved working in the round then cutting. Woo!

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